Thursday, October 30, 2008

Two Yolks For The Price Of One

Look what my husband found when making breakfast this morning!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Help Me With My Birth Plan

Updated December 12, 2008

Bryan and I have been working on a birth plan after much ado with hospital protocol. Ideally, I would like to have my baby at a birthing center with a midwife but our city doesn't have one and the practice of homebirth midwifery is alegal in Indiana- a sticky complicated mess!

I continued to pursue finding a certified professional midwife but the nearest CPM is 2 hours away, we didn't think the traveling conditions would be an ideal situation for a labor/delivery in probable icy conditions for the CPM and back-up doctors are far and few. Who knew having a natural child birth could become such a black market ordeal!?

So here we are stuck in battle with the medical intervention world. I would like to note that I am very thankful for health care professionals and medical interventions when they are necessary but when it comes to birth I have a rather "crunchy" point of view after all, women have been safely bringing babies into the world for thousands of years! (Alright, I will come down off of my soap box) Before you write me off as being completely insane watch the "Business of Being Born"
...and now without further ado my birth plan. Please review and suggestions are welcome!!


Birth Plan for: ____________
Scheduled to deliver at________ Hospital: MD

I realize that a birth plan is a list of preferences and that things don't always go as planned. My primary request is to be fully informed and part of the decision-making process. Should I become incapacitated or unable to fully participate in the decision-making process, please consult my husband regarding any matters related to this birth plan, labor and delivery.
First Stage Labor
* A heparin lock without IV, I will self hydrate
* Intermittent fetal monitoring
* No continuous or internal fetal monitoring unless medically necessary
* Fluids and soft foods by mouth throughout the first stage of labor
* Internal vaginal exams kept to a minimum
* Freely walk around, use the shower, birthing ball from home and change position at will
Labor Augmentation
* As long as the baby and I are fine, I would like to be free of time limits and labor augmentation
* Prefer to allow the amniotic membrane to rupture naturally
* Changing position, walking or nipple stimulation before the amniotic membrane is ruptured or pitocin is given
Pain Medication
* We are striving for a drug free childbirth, please do not offer pain medication. I'll ask for it if I need it.
* If a Cesarean is necessary, to be fully informed and to participate in the decision-making process
* My husband present at all times if my baby requires a Cesarean delivery
* Leave one arm free to touch baby when born
* Double-layer suturing of the uterus (not single layer suturing)
* If not in distress, my baby should be given to my husband and myself immediately after birth
* Breastfeed as soon as possible after a cesarean delivery
Second Stage Labor & Delivery
* I would like to choose my birthing position, including squatting with a bar or on hands and knees
* If I am unmedicated, to wait to push until I feel the urge, even if there is a delay after full dilation
* Baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery
* Hold my baby while I deliver the placenta and any tissue repairs are made
* Deliver the placenta naturally without a pitocin injection or cord traction
* In the absence of fetal distress, I prefer to tear rather than have an episiotomy but am open to Doctors discretion
* Guidance and perineal massage when pushing so the perineum can stretch naturally
* Baby evaluated and bathed in my presence
* Delay antibiotic eye drops and Vitamin K shot for 1-2 hours after birth so that bonding time is not interrupted
* We decline the Hepatitis B vaccine for our newborn
* Full-time rooming in with baby and no separation unless medically required
* My husband to accompany our baby at all times if it must be taken to receive medical treatment
* If bili lights for jaundice are required, please bring them to my recovery room instead of baby going to the nursery
* I will be breastfeeding exclusively and would like to begin nursing very shortly after birth
* Do not give my baby anything by mouth (pacifier, glucose water, formula) without my expressed verbal consent

350 Thank You's Coming to a Mailbox Near You

I have been working on Thank You cards for the wedding and while its rather embarrassing that this project has taken so long to finish I apologize and promise to get them to a mailbox near you in the relative future. I am very thankful for all the gifts and warm wishes but I'm a snail when it comes to mail!!!

thank you Pictures, Images and Photos

Order Wedding Photos

I am making a Kodak album for those that want to order wedding pictures, please let me know if you would like me to email you a link!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Baby Choisser @ 11 weeks

My Precious Baby Boy!! <3

Olive Garden Alfredo Fettuccine

Olive Garden Fettuccine Alfredo

Everyone keeps asking me for this recipe so I thought I would post it here. Enjoy!

*Warning* This is not a healthy meal

25 min


  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 8 oz cream cheese
  • 1 pint heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • 2/3 cup grated parmesan cheese (preferably fresh)
  • 1 lb fettuccine, prepared as directed
  1. In a medium saucepan, melt butter.
  2. When butter is melted, add cream cheese.
  3. When the cream cheese is softened, add heavy cream.
  4. Season with garlic powder, salt, and pepper.
  5. Simmer for 15-20 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly.
  6. Remove from heat and stir in parmesan.
  7. Serve over hot fettuccine noodles.

Serving Size 1 (190g)

Recipe makes 6 servings

Sideline Sausage Soup via Jaime Davies

Big hit with the pregnant ladies! My friend made this soup over the weekend and I liked it so much that I cooked it for my family last night. Its soo easy and yummy!!

Chick Pea Okra Tomato Pictures, Images and Photos

Easy Bean and Kielbasa Soup

1 can black beans

1 can red kidney beans

1 can Great Northern beans

16 oz smoked sausage (Kielbasa sausage)

1 onion (diced)

1 tomato (diced)

4 cups chicken broth

1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano

dash of ground cumin

dash of salt

2 cloves of garlic minced

Drain beans, slice Kielbasa, tomato, and onion add to soup pot along with chicken broth and spices. Bring to boil. Simmer 15 minutes. Enjoy

ETA: The rest of the ingredients, Thank you Jamie Davies!! <3 <3 <3

Curly Girl Method

I followed Lorraine Massey's "Curly Girl Method" for about 10 months and with great success I achieved beautiful frizz free curls. Regretfully, I didn't continue to maintain following the method due to getting bored with it but now I'm going back to Curly Girl. Thought I would post the rules for everyone else that wants to play along. If you don't have naturally curly hair I would not recommend trying this, this method is not for everyone!!

10 months of Curly Girl Success


You can read about the "Curly Girl Method" here. In summary it teaches an organic approach to carrying for naturally curly hair. Some of the main objectives are to give up shampoo, hair brushes, and mainstream hair care products. Its not easy, but in the long run its sooo worth it!!


Edited to add: I have had several people ask me what kind of hair care products to use and I would recommend anything from the Jessi Curl line (I'm going to by in bulk for a Christmas gift to myself). If you don't feel comfortable going completely shampooless they make a great shampoo that doesn't seem to negate the curly girl potential.

If you are more of a mainstream shopper I would recommend Aussie Deeep conditioner (3 minute miracle) and Garnier Fructis hands free spray gel.

Setting a Date, Planning a Wedding

We set a wedding date for August 9, 2008 and the frantic wedding planning began! I'm rather proud of my amazing wedding budget skills but nonetheless it would have not been possible without out our access to Cousin Debbie's amazing visions and wedding materials!

The photos below are what I used for my inspiration. The cake is from - very helpful site for anyone planning a wedding! The Bridesmaid Dress is from David's Bridal and the floral arrangements are by Better Homes and Gardens.

Some other helpful resources that I discovered while planning my wedding include:

iDo Wedding Couples Edition


Getting in Shape/Healthy

As you can see I had some fun planning my wedding but I also would like to address that too many times brides-to-be (myself included) get so wrapped up in the "big day" event planning that they lose sight of whats really important- The Marriage! The wedding festivities are for one day, they come- go, and fade away to photo albums, but your marriage lasts for a lifetime so don't neglect the more important details of nurturing the relationship that will bud into the beginnings of your new life together.

I would recommend that every couple read 101 Questions to ask before getting Engaged by H. Norman Wright (If your already engaged its not too late to read) and to seek pre-marital counseling with a professional.

Happy Wedding Planning


Christmas 2007, on both knees, Bryan asked for my hand in marriage and a very happy and excited Jennifer said, Yes! Here are the engagement pictures we had taken shortly following the proposal.



Meet The Choisser's

I decided to hop on the blogging bandwagon and open a small section of my life for all to see. In the past I have attempted to blog but have lost interest or not had time so with new found sincere effort I bring to you my daily ramblings.

There are a lot of things that I need to address because my life has changed so much in the past year highlights include; engagement, marriage, moving, being a newlywed, pregnancy, and college. I will attempt to address many of these exciting transitions along with daily activities in the next several blogs and hopefully bring you up to speed with my exciting new life.

