Sugar Cut-Outs
Pumpkin Cookies
Chocolate Chip
Thin Mints (yep, like the girl scout cookies)
Peppermint Bark
Cinnamon Gems
Oatmeal Raisin
Bryan decorated sugar cookies for the first time in his life, behold his little cane creations:
Did you notice the cookies have sparkle to them? He found neat-o glitter gel in the store and even came up with the cool idea of striping the canes with Twizzlers, I love my creative cookie decorating husband!
I did these:
I think I need to go add some melted chocolate to finish off the tree stumps...
Twinkling little stars!
I really want to bite their heads! Chomp...Chomp...oops....Not the Gum drop bottoms!
ETA: Here is a link to the sugar cookie recipe I used this year. The trick to getting the icing to look so pretty is the hard glaze.
You two have been busy in the kitchen. ;) I think they came out really well and yay that he had a good experience decorating for the first time. :)
Oh...those look so yummy!
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