Monday, March 30, 2009

Homemade Stuff Rules!

We love homemade items here in the Choisser household, especially ones made just for Mr Squeaks! Here are a few pictures of him modeling some his favorite hand crafted items.

Here Andrew is modeling an afghan that my Mom knitted during my pregnancy. She chose colors to match his nursery.

I had plans to do a series of paintings for the "clover fields" theme of Andrew's nursery but I only finished one canvas that spans the length of the changing table.

Painting for Nursery

In this photo Andrew is sportin' a sweater that my vary talented online "penpal" Beauty4Ashes crocheted him.

I will be back with a picture of Andrew's blanket that Aunt Denise made him its on my other computer ;)


...and last but not least, this little bundle was homemade with love.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

TriState Moms


I got upset with a certain local online mommy group that was more concerned with profits rather than the content so I started a new community, Tristate Mom's. So far its been a huge success

As of now we are hosting monthly MNO's (Mom's Night Out) . In March we enjoyed dinner fellowship at Los Bravos, our upcoming April meeting will be held at Olive Garden and we are brainstorming a few other ideas for get-together activities! We are also looking forward to constructing a cookbook in the near future.

Currently one of the members is holding a Spring weight loss incentive program which includes prizes--just in time for bathing suit season!

We are always welcoming new members so if you live in Indiana, Illinois, or Kentucky and are a mommy or mommy-to-be (I also like to encourage newlyweds/to be) please join us at both mainstream and crunchy mommies are welcome!


Hello Blog

Hello Blog,

I have neglected you. Andrew has kept me busy and now that Winter has subsided I have been finding myself outside more often than not.

As of yesterday, my little boy has been in the world for ten whole weeks!! I love being a mother and absolutely can not imagine life without children--I'm ready for round two ;)

My adventures in Mommyhood have led to so many fun and sometimes frustrating discoveries.

My Mei-Tai wrap (<--see photo) arrived last week and I'm head over heels in love with the thing and so is Baby A. No longer do we fumble with the big bulky stroller and a heavy baby seat when running in and out of stores.

I have also discovered the joy of cloth diapering, it was a little intimidating at first but now that I'm used to it 'sposies are out of the question. Have you ever blown up a marshmallow in the microwave?-- Disposable diapers in laundry have the same explosive properties, except they spew forth hundreds of gross gel beads EVERYWHERE (just don't ask me how they ended up in my washing machine-LOL)!

Now is my chance to get a shower, G2G.

Until next time,