Thursday, March 26, 2009

TriState Moms


I got upset with a certain local online mommy group that was more concerned with profits rather than the content so I started a new community, Tristate Mom's. So far its been a huge success

As of now we are hosting monthly MNO's (Mom's Night Out) . In March we enjoyed dinner fellowship at Los Bravos, our upcoming April meeting will be held at Olive Garden and we are brainstorming a few other ideas for get-together activities! We are also looking forward to constructing a cookbook in the near future.

Currently one of the members is holding a Spring weight loss incentive program which includes prizes--just in time for bathing suit season!

We are always welcoming new members so if you live in Indiana, Illinois, or Kentucky and are a mommy or mommy-to-be (I also like to encourage newlyweds/to be) please join us at both mainstream and crunchy mommies are welcome!


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