Thunder Over Louisville is a day long celebration geared to kick off the Kentucky Derby some of the highlights include continuous flybys of our U.S. military aircrafts, yummy carnival food, and the Nations largest firework display! We made our journey to the Bluegrass state, along with 600,000 others, this past weekend to get in on the events and celebrate my husband's birthday.
The Drive to Louisville Kentucky is beautiful, The highway weaves along the rolling hills of Eastern Indiana's Hoosier National Forrest and because I was driving it flew past in a blur of green, I hope to go visit someday but this particular trip had a different mission, "to get four adults, 1 infant, 1 toddler, and supplies parked along the Ohio River without having any major meltdowns and much to our surprise we pulled it off!
Behold Louisville (The weather was nice despite the overcast conditions)
Bella enjoying herself
Andrew's not so secret talent
Look, there is an Apache helicopter stirring Ohio River water mist into my face, ewww!
I have about 100 pictures of random planes but I'm going to spare posting them since I couldn't begin to tell you what kind they are and leave you with this image. This is a representation flyby of the advancements in U.S Military aeronautical engineering.
Andrew and Mom decide to blow all of her Weight Watcher points on splitting a funnel cake with friends, yay funnel cake! Daddy rocks tired baby to sleep Family shot before firework begin Fireworks, don't worry--Andrew loved the fireworks he was just scared of the camera! And finally, a video of the firework show brought to you in high definition by David Harpe
1. Have a baby (completed 1/14/2009) 2. Successfully breastfeed (complete and established 1/14/2009-present) 3. Cloth diaper(2/14/2009-present) 4. Make Homemade baby food 5. Bake a cake and decorate it with fondant icing 6. Complete a painting and sale it 7. Learn to Sew 8. Finish a Scrapbook 9. Make homemade jewelery 10. Join a Mom group(I joined one and created one. Check us out at ) 11. Find a church home (still searching) 12. Join a church ministry 13. Stop biting my nails 14. Get back to my pre-pregnancy weight( work in progress) 15. Create a work out plan and stick to it 16. Master the Los Bravos Cheese Dip Recipe 17. Go on Vacation 18. Read the entire Bible (working on it) 19. Spend more quality time with my husband 20. Sell $200 in items I don't need on the internet 21. Join a fitness class 22. Take advantage of the library 23. Help Pappa maintain his garden 24. Grow my own vegetables 25. Get our car paid off 26. Begin house shopping 27. Catch a fish 28. Decorate the living room 29. Decorate our bedroom 30. Decorate the bathroom 31. Decorate the baby's room (finished) 32. Learn how to be better organized 33. Be able to wear my wedding rings again(accomplished 1/20/2009) 34. Make an effort to dress better ( Been doing this) 35. Etch headstones of passed on family members 36. Make Granny's Pecan Pie 37. This one is a secret 38. Have some professional family photos taken 39. Try 12 new recipes (one for each month) (3/12) 40. Blog everyday for a month 41. Run 1 mile without stopping, post pregnancy 42. Do a special photoshoot of my baby once a month(3/12) 43. Take my husband to Nashville (he has never been) 44. Do something special for our 1 year wedding anniversary 45. Make a pizza completely from scratch-minus the meat and cheese because I'm not going to age cheese or butcher meat. 46. Take a random roadtrip 47. Paint or draw at least once a month for a year trying to use different mediums (1/12) 48. See a live play 49. Go to a concert 50. Go to a sporting even with DH 51. Write a short creative story 52. Sample a new foreign dish 53. Get a new cell phone( purchased as B-day gift 1/23/09) 54. Find a Geocache 55. Put together a cookbook (started) 56. Write a poem 57. Throw my husband a birthday party 58. Throw my baby a 1 year birthday party 59. Let my hair grow out for a year ( started) 60. Start playing flute again 61. Go on weekly outing with the baby(so far so good) 62. Make homemade soap (Been looking into it) 63. Go to the Dentist and get retainer made 64. Track my meals everyday for a month on 65. Read all of the Dr. Sears books relevant to pregnancy and the first year of parenting. (3/8) 66. Have a natural childbirth (will get back to this after I blog the birth story) 67. Go Strawberry picking (not yet but I did make a strawberry pie ) 68. Go Apple picking 69. Take family trip to pumpkin patch 70. Learn how to baby wear (learning-mastered the ring sling and Mai-Tei) 71. Pay off student loans 72. Start a collection 73. Make a floral arrangement 74. Use our video camera and upload video to youtube 75. Write my MIL 76. Take family photograph including 4 generations 77. Win a contest 78. Finish making this list (working on it)
1 comment:
What fun!
You look positively radiant in those photos.
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